A lifetime of memories, inked over the years, from my diary as a teen to handwritten notes from friends and family (and even strangers) have told my OWN story. They've brought me back to a time and a place. What if they never existed? How would I know how far I've come? Or be reminded of all the people I've met, loved, and lost along the way?
The written word has kept us connected throughout the centuries. Starting from cave wall love letters between royalty, letters between world leaders...all the stories have been told on paper, on rocks...even on cocktail napkins in smoky dive bars at 2AM.
Technology has changed a few things. Tiktok, Snapchat, Facebook, and texting have made it so easy to throw words into the universe, and see what happens. But I ask you this. Will you be sitting in your parent's basement 30 years from now, cleaning out the boxes of your youth, and find old texts and Snapchat posts? I highly doubt it. Here now, gone forever.
How will you leave your legacy, or simply reminisce about your life?
What if we elevated handwritten words on thank you notes, birthday cards and personalized stationery? What if we went back to the days where it was proper and exciting to take a moment, to BE in the moment, and personally handwrite your gratitude and random thoughts on paper? And send it on to someone? And how about running to the mailbox to see what was waiting for you inside? Being the recipient is equally wonderful.
As much as I love to write handwritten notes, busy life has meant that it often slips lower on the priority list than it should be....
What if it was the FIRST thing on my Daily To-Do list?
What if it was a part of my morning meditation?
And what if I had some really beautiful personalized stationery to convey my feelings? :-)
Let's encourage more handwritten.
A few authentic words on something lovely will do! And it's SO much better than a text.
Let's also revive note writing etiquette for our kids.
Let's teach and encourage cursive again.
Let's send more snail mail instead of digital mail.
Let’s keep the written word alive.
Will you join me?
- Nikki

“For there was something very comfortable in having plenty of stationery.”
-Charles Dickens